15 Apr 2011

Importance Remain Virgins Until Marriage

Problems or virginity virginity in popular culture is no longer considered a sacred thing. But even so, the classic appeal to preserve virginity and virginity is not only related to the norm but more than that have great health benefits.
Teenagers are usually the most often asked why should maintain chastity or virginity?
Surveys in the United States even found teenagers sometimes have excessive suspicion that their peers are sexually active, especially boys.
But surveys also show that teenagers have sex earlier most of regret for not waiting longer to maintain virginity or keperjakaanya.
Doctor J. Thomas Fitch in the book Questions Kids Ask About Sex, published ANDI, Thursday (23/12/2010) says there are a number of good reasons why teens should keep virginity or his virginity:
1. Potential pregnant or impregnate people that has to be borne but not ready mentally.
2. Threat Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) already rampant thus making a person susceptible.
3. Maintaining virginity or virginity is 10 percent effective way to prevent unintended pregnancies or the sex of infectious diseases.
4. Some STDs can cause infertility due to damage to the ovaries channel. This can make a person impossible to conceive later.
5. Threats from human sexually transmitted disease papillomavirus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer.
6. Emotional problems eventually become more labile.
7. Smoking can affect sex marriage relationship in the future. Most teens, especially women do not vote for him for the better after engaging sexual activity.
8. Adolescents who are sexually active more prone to depression, involved alcohol, smoking and drugs.
9. Having sex too early can affect the reputation and relationships with parents.
10. Two of three teens who do sex expressed regret and wished if he would wait until the right time.


12 Apr 2011

Three Ways to Overcome Natural Acne Swelling

When acne grows, one would expect that would soon disappear from annoying blemishes. For acne quickly discharged without buying expensive drugs, there are three easy ways you can do than to quote from Yahoo Shine.

1. Aspirin
Aspirin can be used not only to relieve pain but also prevent acne will be harder. Take crush an aspirin, until smooth and then lightly wet with water until thick. Tampelkan viscous liquid aspirin on acne for several minutes until dry and then wash off with water. This will reduce redness and relieve pain.

2. Olive oil
Make a concoction by mixing 4 tablespoons salt and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Apply the mixture on the face with a brush or your fingers. Leave for 1-2 minutes, then thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Do this treatment twice or three times a week. You will see real changes in facial skin. Salt can purify the pores with the scrub leaves the skin healthier and mineral content of olive oil can restore skin's natural moisture.

3. Toothpaste
You need at an official ceremony tomorrow, during take off acne. Use toothpaste at night and let dry until morning. Toothpaste makes acne dries quickly and absorbs oil. However, this should not be made ​​when the skin including sensitive, because it can cause irritation.

11 Apr 2011


Allergy is a disorder of sensitivity (sensitivity reaction) from the body of certain objects (allergens). It does not happen to most people. Allergies often strikes people whose bodies are sensitive to stimuli from outside or from within the body. A hypersensitivity reaction is likely to occur when the body is possessed by another foreign matter (allergens) are equal. Allergies can occur at all ages, from infants to senior citizens.
Malfunctioning immune system (immune system) leading to the allergic reaction. The basis of the immune system function is the ability to discover and then destroy everything that is considered foreign by the body such as bacteria and viruses. Foreign objects are called antigens. To counteract tesebut antigen, the body tissue is stimulated to make anti-called antibodies.
Allergens such as dust, pollen or certain foods that are basically harmless to act as an antigen to a particular person. These materials can enter the body through the lungs or gastrointestinal tract and then enter into the network, and there he immune system stimulated the formation of antibodies. As a result of the meeting of antibodies and antigens in the tissue will cause an allergic reaction.
Allergic disorders can arise in various forms, such as sneezing, runny nose, hot on the eye, stimulation of the throat, skin bumps, red bumps and itching, rash, shortness of breath, even shock.
The cause of allergies is the allergens that may be, dust, kapok pillows, pollen or pollen, cigarette smoke, mold spores, animal dander, certain foods (shrimp, eggs, milk, etc.), chemicals in foods (preservatives) , certain drugs and contact allergens such as powder, foundation, and others. So based on the cause allergies can be divided into food allergy, drug allergy, pollen allergy, and so forth. According to the tool body that is attacked, allergic diseases can be divided into nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis), respiratory allergies (asthma bronkhiale), skin allergies (eczema, biduran, contact dermatitis), gastrointestinal allergies, eye allergies (allergic conjunctivitis), shock.
Allergic rhinitis or nasal allergies are the most common allergic diseases occur. Types of allergies can be caused by the allergen is inhaled from the environment such as dust, pollen, animal dander, and mold spores. The main symptoms are sneezing, nose and itchy eyes, runny nose, nasal congestion, and often accompanied by itchy throat. Allergic rhinitis can occur seasonally or throughout the year.
Allergic diseases have a tendency to be inherited in families. If one parent is allergic, their child may suffer from allergies is 50%. Chances will be greater if both parents suffer from allergies. But allergies are not always passed on the first generation (children), but was rediscovered in the second generation. In this case, which is inherited susceptibility to allergy but not to the same allergens. For example: the mother will always bump-bumps every time you eat shrimp, while the child will suffer from colds and sneezes when she was cleaning the room. Many family members who have a hereditary factor but new allergy symptoms appear after exposure to certain allergens for some time. For example, someone earlier did not show symptoms, but after 5-10 years in certain circumstances can suffer from allergies.
Precautions to avoid things that cause allergic reactions, such as:

avoid foods and drugs that can cause allergies
Do not let the furry animal into the house, if you are allergic to animal fur
clean the dust with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth, at least 2-3 times a week, do not use a broom that can spread the dust.
Use an electric air cleaner (AC) to get rid of house dust, mold and pollen from the air. Wash and replace filters regularly
Cover furniture with a layer of fabric that can be washed as often as possible.
Do not use materials or furniture that can accommodate up dust in the room.
To avoid contact with allergens, use gloves or a mask while cleaning inside and outside the home.
Ban smoking and the use of scented products at home
Allergies if detected and treated early can prevent serious complications. In a few allergies can sometimes improve or disappear with or without treatment, such as rhinitis in children cured when mature. But in general required a continuous treatment for patients can live without complaint. The best way is to avoid the cause and trigger allergies for good. Since there is no medication to eradicate the source of the disease, only treatments to control allergy symptoms (reduce and eliminate the symptoms). Drug therapy used is an anti-histamine drugs, corticosteroids.
Traditional allergy treatment can use herbs that have antihistamine properties and boost immunity (immunostimulant).
Here are some examples of natural recipes for allergy treatment:Recipes grams sambiloto 1:15Temu lawak 30 grams fresh (peeled and sliced)30 grams fresh meniran.Wash clean all and then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, drinking water 2 times a day, each time drank 200 cc.
Recipe 2.100 cc black rice vinegar (rice vinegar)30 grams ginger, crushedbrown sugar to taste.Boil all ingredients with 300 cc of water to boil, drink 2 times a day

Volume, Color, Flavor Determining Sperm Male Infertility

Not just having sex was important for each partner but also how their fertility. Did you know that man can know barren or not from a sense of their sperm, even from the color and volume of sperm (sperm number).
Need to note that the sperm out as much as half of teaspoon. If it's less, it means that he very often ejaculate, whether it be masturbation or sexual intercourse. But it also can be an indication that the man suffered a blockage in the sperm channel.
Sperm contains a lot of fluids, and one percent is a viscous liquid, so that the color of sperm becomes less dense. If you look at the sperm more liquid and occur continuously when the ejaculation, so you can experience a little hard sperm that make you have a child.
While sperm taste like a liquid from a mixture of sugar (fructose) from seminal vesicles and also salty from the prostate.
If the man is very intense sexual intercourse or masturbation, even in a day happened a few times, then it would make a little liquid fructose and sperm into salty taste than usual. But if he does not ejaculate in a long time, it is sweet aka sperm (sperm taste sweet).
Testicular size
You can also find out how the prospect of future sterility or fertility of the examined testes.
Character is either one testicle and one must have the same size or almost the same as a walnut. If the testis size of only cherry fruit it is necessary in assuming that he can experience infertility.
Testis itself consists of as many as 95% of cells that make sperm and the rest to make testosterone. If your testes size is small, the sperm will also be made slightly

Secret Tips to Achieve Multiple Orgasms

Sex climax women who felt called orgasm. Orgasm that is felt by friction male genitalia in vaginal wall full of sensitive nerves, and the pleasure it increasingly feels good until it reaches its peak. When the orgasm lasts the whole body feels chills, vaginal grip on penis stronger and accompanied by movement of the body hugging pair, such as chokes. Here are some tips for achieving multiple orgasms: - One of the causes of difficult to reach multiple orgasms is a lack of lubrication on the most sensitive areas. Sometimes the vagina can not produce the required amount of fluid. Therefore you need extra lubrication, either by using special jelly or with saliva. - Maybe you even have to know the G-spot is located on the front wall of your vagina. When you feel it with your finger, it can feel like a small piece of soft sponge. You can point the partner's penis into that part and start with a smooth movement back and forth. This movement will make you feel like being  dreamily. If he do when you reach the top, then you can get multiple orgasms. - One thing that always hinder the achievement of orgasm is the inability to relax. You can try to eliminate this tension in different ways. For example, ask your partner to do sensual massage that relaxes muscles, allowing you more excited, so that you too will reach a spectacular climax. - The muscles inside the vagina should be trained to give orgasm repeatedly. How to train the vagina is to menguncupkannya for two seconds and then disconnect again. If difficulties can be a way to do it then piss exercise little by little in the sense of a little urine out, then detained, remove it again and take it anymore. So forth until the vaginal muscles become trained.

10 Benefits of Green Tea

There are various reasons why green tea as one health drink soft drink producers. Here are 10 real benefits of green tea has been researched by experts, so you ought to replace fizzy drinks from your favorite list.

1. Green tea may help protect against cancer.

2. Green tea may help prevent atherosclerosis.

3. Green tea can help maintain good cholesterol levels.

4. Green tea can help control diabetes.

5. Green tea may help fight diseases of the liver.

6. Weight loss.

7. Relaxation.

8. Green tea may help boost the immune system.

9. Green tea helps strengthen the digestive and respiratory systems because the content of bioflavonoids.

10. Green tea is an anti-bacterial and help prevent holes in the teeth.

Drinking two to three cups of green tea a day (containing 240 to 320 mg of polyphenols) is recommended. This is the best way to get antioxidants green tea from its original state.

Source: preventionindonesia.com

Easy Steps to Eliminate Blackheads

Blackheads are small, but if the excess amount will certainly be annoying. Plus, blackheads stimulate the growth of acne. Please note that the blackheads appear because the skin is clogged by dirt and oil. In addition, dead skin and bacteria also stimulate the growth of blackheads. There are easy ways to remove blackheads from your face.

* Use oil-free cosmetics and water-based.

* Clean your face twice a day. But do not wash face excessively.

* Stop squeeze the nose because it will make the skin become inflamed and eventually infected.

* You can create masks antikomedo using a mixture of egg white and honey, with the same dose. Paste the mixture with cotton on the T, especially the nose. Allow it to dry, then rinse with warm water. This mask will lift blackheads naturally attached.

* Use soap-containing granular scrubs. When available, uapkan first few moments of your face. By doing so the pores will expand and make the blackheads easier off when cleaned with soap. After cleansing, use a toner which is useful to close the pores again. Do this treatment twice a week.

* Facial or peels can also help clear blackheads. Do this at least once a month.

Source: Magazine Sekar

6 foods that can beautify the face

da lot of ways to treat the condition and beauty of your skin. Whether by cosmetics or by other, more natural. If you prefer the natural way, in a way that can improve and refine the skin of your body is consuming some of these foods.
Six following foods are considered to beautify your skin, as ayushveda city.
CarrotsCarrots are good for preventing aging. Carrot juice is drunk or smeared on the skin can help revitalize the skin to produce collagen, the skin remains keelastisannya awake. This orange vegetables also act as a natural sunscreen.
BerryDifferent types of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries are foods rich in antioxidants that can prevent premature aging. Fruits berries also helps the body produce collagen, which makes the skin young and supple.
Pomegranate juiceDiligent drinking pomegranate juice help prevent the occurrence of venous network that appears on the skin. Usually, the veins look like veins around the legs and thighs.
GarlicGarlic seems not only good for lowering cholesterol, but also helps fight against wrinkles on the skin. Various studies show that garlic is rich in antioxidants that can protect the skin against free radicals.
Salmontypes of fish salmon are very good for the skin. Fatty acids it contains helps prevent clogged pores and prevent skin dryness.
MilkMilk source of calcium for the body, which will form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
The few foods that actually harm health. Apasajakah food, described here as some of them:
Pasta and breadAny food that contains high glycemic. Compound found in pasta, white bread and cakes that can increase the risk of acne. This is research berdadasarkan Australia.
Salt"Salt causes skin tissue to swell and can change the look of puffy face and do not look healthy," said Noreinus. Eating too much salt can worsen acne terbuti. In order not to consume too much salt, measure the levels of Nutrium on packaged foods and canned foods. Rinse canned foods before cooking to reduce levels of sodium in salt.
CandyA lot of sugar candy. Sugar is one of the causes of wrinkles. Sugar can damage the collagen and elastin become dry and make the face that cause wrinkles and sagging skin.
AlcoholAlkhol not only bad for health but also on the skin. "Alcohol makes your skin very dehydrated, which can damage skin cells," said Noreinus. (Wolipopcom)