11 Apr 2011

6 foods that can beautify the face

da lot of ways to treat the condition and beauty of your skin. Whether by cosmetics or by other, more natural. If you prefer the natural way, in a way that can improve and refine the skin of your body is consuming some of these foods.
Six following foods are considered to beautify your skin, as ayushveda city.
CarrotsCarrots are good for preventing aging. Carrot juice is drunk or smeared on the skin can help revitalize the skin to produce collagen, the skin remains keelastisannya awake. This orange vegetables also act as a natural sunscreen.
BerryDifferent types of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries are foods rich in antioxidants that can prevent premature aging. Fruits berries also helps the body produce collagen, which makes the skin young and supple.
Pomegranate juiceDiligent drinking pomegranate juice help prevent the occurrence of venous network that appears on the skin. Usually, the veins look like veins around the legs and thighs.
GarlicGarlic seems not only good for lowering cholesterol, but also helps fight against wrinkles on the skin. Various studies show that garlic is rich in antioxidants that can protect the skin against free radicals.
Salmontypes of fish salmon are very good for the skin. Fatty acids it contains helps prevent clogged pores and prevent skin dryness.
MilkMilk source of calcium for the body, which will form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
The few foods that actually harm health. Apasajakah food, described here as some of them:
Pasta and breadAny food that contains high glycemic. Compound found in pasta, white bread and cakes that can increase the risk of acne. This is research berdadasarkan Australia.
Salt"Salt causes skin tissue to swell and can change the look of puffy face and do not look healthy," said Noreinus. Eating too much salt can worsen acne terbuti. In order not to consume too much salt, measure the levels of Nutrium on packaged foods and canned foods. Rinse canned foods before cooking to reduce levels of sodium in salt.
CandyA lot of sugar candy. Sugar is one of the causes of wrinkles. Sugar can damage the collagen and elastin become dry and make the face that cause wrinkles and sagging skin.
AlcoholAlkhol not only bad for health but also on the skin. "Alcohol makes your skin very dehydrated, which can damage skin cells," said Noreinus. (Wolipopcom)

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