12 Apr 2011

Three Ways to Overcome Natural Acne Swelling

When acne grows, one would expect that would soon disappear from annoying blemishes. For acne quickly discharged without buying expensive drugs, there are three easy ways you can do than to quote from Yahoo Shine.

1. Aspirin
Aspirin can be used not only to relieve pain but also prevent acne will be harder. Take crush an aspirin, until smooth and then lightly wet with water until thick. Tampelkan viscous liquid aspirin on acne for several minutes until dry and then wash off with water. This will reduce redness and relieve pain.

2. Olive oil
Make a concoction by mixing 4 tablespoons salt and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Apply the mixture on the face with a brush or your fingers. Leave for 1-2 minutes, then thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Do this treatment twice or three times a week. You will see real changes in facial skin. Salt can purify the pores with the scrub leaves the skin healthier and mineral content of olive oil can restore skin's natural moisture.

3. Toothpaste
You need at an official ceremony tomorrow, during take off acne. Use toothpaste at night and let dry until morning. Toothpaste makes acne dries quickly and absorbs oil. However, this should not be made ​​when the skin including sensitive, because it can cause irritation.

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